Coloring Pages
Start by drawing the main shape of Doctor Strange's head. Draw a circle in the middle of the paper, and then add two lines that go diagonally down on either side. These will be the sides of his face
After you've drawn the basic shape of Doctor Strange's head, it's time to add his facial features. Draw his eyes first by making two small circles in the upper half of the circle you drew earlier.
Draw the outline of his hair and make sure it sharpens towards the top. Then, add his mustache and goatee by drawing two curved lines and a smaller line that connects them.
Start by drawing two lines that go diagonally across the page as guidelines for his arms. Then, draw a vertical line down the center of the page as a guideline for the rest of his body.
hade in his hair, cloak, and tunic to give them a three-dimensional appearance. Then, color his Eye of Agamotto gold, his facial hair brown, his tunic and cloak blue, and his gloves red.